Don't be dumb, we have the internet.

In this day and age there is really no excuse to be miss informed, with dozens of information on just about anything being shared online you’d think people would be more knowledgeable but that’s not the case. The principal reason why the internet was created is to share information, among'st people from all over the world. So, have you ever used the internet to better understand why things are the way they are, why people act the way they do or simply to change your stance on something?

People are quick to jump on social platforms to give their two cents on topics they do not fully comprehend. Engaging in conversations is always encouraged but be careful not to give your opinions on topics that you are not properly versed in. Some topics are sensitive to people and come from a place great hurt, and even trauma. Taking time to educate yourself on things you find confusing should be considered self care, as it is for your benefit. Why are black people so upset, slavery and apartheid were years ago it’s not that deep? Have you perhaps taken the time to research on why black people feel the way they do? Have you watched the videos of black people being beaten like dogs in the streets, have you read the articles written at the time were black people are as inferior to white people? All this can be found on the internet, yet people engage in conversations with absolutely no sentiment for what these engagements might mean to the people affected by it.

Making use of the internet for its primary purpose of research, really helps broaden one’s mindset on issues that might affect them, that they might not even realize are there. For instance, you as a cis gendered man might have deep internalized sexist behavior that you don’t realize you have. It comes off in the most unnoticeable ways e.g. “Women can’t fight in the UFC; certain sports should be left to men”. In your mind you simply gave your opinion without realizing it was sexist and problematic. Had you watched a YouTube video on sexist traits in men, and how these traits can be unlearned you could’ve been more sensitive.

When you do research, and are knowledgeable on topics that are sensitive to other people, you know how to approach these discussions without sounding narcissistic and naive. Ultimately your input will come from a place of understanding, to not offend people while giving your opinion. 

When you do research, and are knowledgeable on topics that are sensitive to other people, you know how to approach these discussions without sounding narcissistic and naive. Ultimately your input will come from a place of understanding, to not offend people while giving your opinion.
Although there can be lots of misinformation on the internet, it is a great place to gain a better  understanding on topics that captivate your interest, that do not personally affect you. 

When you have already taken the time to read, on something you might want to confirm with someone, it gives the impression that you are really interested and are eager to know more.

So, my question to you is we have the internet why are you dumb? 


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